Lenten Writing Project Reboot 2020! Writers' Reflections in the Wilderness of Lent
Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project
The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.
How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community
On every clear night, while viewing the sky with all those stars, I contemplate the knowledge that most are 100 - 1000 light years away, making the current star light at least 1000 years old. What sort of God could create something as huge as the universe? Isaiah 22 says, "I live in heaven; it is my throne; I made the earth. It's a footstool before My throne. I am bigger than you are even capable of thinking. I am God." Indeed those words ring true for me, as my mind never fails to be overwhelmed by the vastness of the heavens, the intriticacy of life on earth and the thought of God who conjured it all up and keeps it together despite the worst efforts of humanity.
ReplyDeleteIt's so humbling to be one person in the midst of such a vast glorious creation. Psalm 8 always comes to mind as I stare at the night sky and attempt to ponder its magnitude, as have people for 1000s of years. With David, I wonder, "When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars,which you have set in place, who am I that you are mindful of me?" Yet, in the midst of it all, I feel deeply loved by that same omnipotent God as a unique part of his creation. He cares for the whole of creation but also for me as an individual; the one who sits staring at the sky, pondering the plan of such a great work, loving its beauty and marveling at its vastness.
I stand alongside pondering. You have simply put God's love of each person, each element of creation. Thank you.
My Insignificance
ReplyDeleteby Marlene Obie
I stood at the edge of Canyon de Chelly and felt like an intruder upon naked Edenic beauty.
I sat on a porch and watched a misty blanket slowly lift to reveal the grandeur of Mt. Rainier and knew I was a spot at the foot of grandeur.
I perched above rocky coves in Washington, Oregon and California and felt like a one/onethousandth note absorbed into symphonic crescendos.
I walked on miles of beach sand, particles of gazillions of lives and minerals and felt my pulse and breath ebb and flow while every cap and ripple did its own unique dance.
What am I to claim this space I occupy?
Who deems me equal to this wonder?
What does Love know and see of how I contribute to the Grand Scheme.
I breathe in
I breathe out
I live.
Well put indeed.
Marlene! So majestic and intimate all in one! I could feel what you were talking about. You are writing masterfully these days!
ReplyDeleteSurvivor Me
ReplyDelete‘Twas a warm June day, a blanket spread on the green lawn.
Mom sat with her newborn son, his infant needs to preen and fawn.
I played across the yard, doing my-almost-three important stuff.
This little guy has come into my perfect world, I must call his bluff.
These two big people, in charge of my world, don’t get what’s going on.
To survive I will need to make decisions, ‘twill be a new world, a new dawn.
My brother isn’t a bad fellow; my parents loving, caring, but young.
I feel deeply the change, not my choice, a song I’ve never sung.
My years of being a baptized boy secured me in Creator’s embrace.
Worship filled Sunday morn, songs, prayers, God’s people face to face.
Spirit rejoices in this lad’s perceptive awareness; His love of life.
With abandon God’s Breath enabled my sense of wholeness, lack of strife.
Life’s adventure began in earnest on that late spring day.
Self-sufficiency without ego; a young traveler on his way.
Six decades plus have passed along river Time’s great flow.
Memories bring useful information not a great barge to tow.
Keeper of All blesses me with a sense of self that seems to remain.
The adventurous youngster chooses what’s of interest in his domain.
My epitaph should I get my wish, “He was almost six, well used.”
Life’s blessings, burdens ever been a joy, I’ve not been abused.
My young renaissance-self needed no dark night of soul or struggle.
All he required was a clear invitation by Spirit to come and snuggle.
Physical injuries have often left scars, scared parental folk.
An active lad’s imagination; busy way; launched into life, no joke.
Life has evolved with changes huge, constant shifts small.
No deep surprises just the amazing consequences that enthrall.
Ever present a cadre of travelers accompanies the journey fair.
Beloved folk, my ‘partners in crime’ willing to take on tasks do or dare.
Uncertain specifics gather as clouds on the horizon of this day.
Confident I tread the path, knowing ‘tis Keeper of All’s way.
If days’ end actually occurs for me, I shall reflect upon the venture.
Thanks be to God, another bit of history includes me in its adventure.
The Rev. Ronald Allen Melver, M.Div.
12 March 2013
ReplyDeleteGoing about my normal activities one day, I very suddenly felt dizzy and in a quick rush I was spinning out of control, as though I had been launched into outer space with no up or down, no ground under my feet nothing to grasp, to hold onto, nothing but this terrifying disorientation. If I moved even a finger the spinning grew infinitely worse. I held desperately still.
I knew I had fallen to the floor. I was nauseous. I was unable to stop wracking dry heaves and I didn't know what had happened – what was happening - to me. All I could do was keep very still and pray. I just called out to God and rested on Him and I became calmer. And He was there.
In a while I fell into an exhausted sleep, when I woke things were more normal again.
This was the beginning of seven months of these attacks. They had a name. Meniere’s disease. An inner ear problem. A lesson in faith. I am so glad God had sought me out well ahead of time, called me to be His child, to be under His protection, with permission to crawl into His hiding place and rest there.
Even when there seems to be no place else to go He really is there. It is nice to know. He really does keep his promises.
Clarene Aitken
12 March 2013
your account vividly catches the scary element. fear balanced by faith.
Hi Clarene
ReplyDeleteI am Pastor Larry Morris of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church. This blog is sponsored by our writing group "Spirit to Spirit A Writing Community". We also publish a book of gathered writings annually. This fall will be our third book. We would like to use some of your writings. Please email me at PLarryMorris@Gmail.com. Thanks
ReplyDeleteDid you see it?
There it goes!
I heard that you can make a wish
on a shooting star
The first Star of the Evening,
is good for a wish, too
Look, over there!
Count them!
Those are the 3 stars
on the Belt of Orion; and
up there are the Big and Little Dippers!
Surely, THAT bright star must have been
the same one that led the Wise Men!
When I get to watch the heavens
in the still of the night
I gaze quietly, expectantly,
trying to take it all in
I have waited in the heat of summer nights,
with fireflies illuminating tall grasses beside me;
Other nights, I have laid in a snowy backyard,
surrounded by shivering air, 40 degrees below zero,
just to watch the heavenly show of the
undulating neon-green curtains called Northern Lights
As a child, I lay on hard dirt and grass patches of our backyard,
watching, along with the rest of the world,
as shiny TeleStar, the first human-made communication satellite
passed slowly overhead, on its first-ever orbit
I remember watching the Moon, too,
the night that the first people from Earth were walking on it;
while we stood, amazed, on the Earth.
Each season, I look for old, familiar heavenly bodies:
giant, silvery, Jupiter;
shiny, fuzzy Venus; and
tiny, but angry, red Mars
Once, I stayed up so long,
that I watched the stars and constellations move around the North Star,
all in perfect formation
I could feel the Earth rotating,
with me, a small speck, riding on her back
Stargazing gives me of a sense of
how truly small I am
compared to the Universe; and of
how even more immense God is
After too much of this contemplation,
my head begins to spin
it is more than I can comprehend
Yet, in spite of the feeling
of the vastness of the Universe, and
in spite of realizing
my virtual insignificance in relation to it,
I still feel God's gentle Care for me
and for the other small beings
that live on this singular
Psalm 8:3-5
When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers
the moon and the stars that You have established;
What are human beings that You are mindful of them,
mortals that You care for them?
Yet You have made them a little lower than God,
and crowned them with glory and honor.