Lenten Writing Project Reboot 2020! Writers' Reflections in the Wilderness of Lent
Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project
The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.
How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Maunday Thursday 2-fer
Maunday Thursday's prompt has 2 options to choose from to write about:
Write about one of the disciple's responses to Jesus on Maunday Thursday or write about how you would have responded. Would you have asked Jesus to wash you from head to toe or insist that you wash Jesus' feet or would you have been analytical and discected what he said?
What is an experience at a Maunday Thursday service that has informed your faith or impacted you? Either through a footwashing or through communion or something else...write about it.
Upper Room Supper
ReplyDelete“Something’s up, Matthias. Was that colt to be near here?”
“Just ‘round the corner, near the inn. Do you remember the words?”
“‘The Master has need of the colt’. Memories fine, never fear.”
“Where’s Jesus to meet us, once we’ve got the colt? In the suq of birds?”
“John, we’ll have to hurry if we are to have the Seder room ready.”
“Nate, I’ve already got some of the women working to set it up.”
“You’re always so organized. ‘Mr. Think It Through’. Caring. Heady.”
“Hey now, we’re a serious team. Besides tonight’s special with Jesus to sup.”
“Lord, we’ll have to keep moving. Don’t stop more to heal.”
“Cephas, you’re right. Seems I can’t walk a straight line any more.”
“You’ve become known to most street folk. They want your power to weal.”
“Let’s get to the gate; find that colt I need; then to the Seder room door.”
“Have you ever seen such a ruckus? Palms, songs, clothes on the path!”
“This close to Shabbat! There’s something powerful in the air.”
“I didn’t like the way those Sanhedrin watchers looked, filled with wrath.”
“Seder’s a great way to celebrate. Great food, wine most fair.”
“Tonight will be most special. First, your feet I will wash.”
“Then we’ll celebrate Pasach with a new addition I’ve made.”
“There’s a hard course to follow later tonight. ‘Twill be most harsh.”
“We’ll need to stay close; Spirit’s critical plan has been laid.”
“I am impressed with the hard work you’ve accomplished these few years.”
“As the final chapter unfolds, what questions? What are your concerns?”
“Your love and support have prepared me for my next act, no fears.”
“I will be unable to help you now. Questions, faith will help you discern.”
“Intrigue, deception, Satan’s skullduggery now has its way.”
“Each of us has our part. I must lead. You are to follow true.”
“We witness God’s great plan, salvation history’s final say.”
“Come; let us lift up to God, our hearts made anew.”
Since this moment in history, the Eucharist reminds of that night.
Our gatherings each Maundy Thursday bring us in touch with life’s source.
Each person, couple, family strengthened by this meals Holy sight,
Encouraged to bring mercy, compassion, love with gospel force.
The Rev. Ronald Allen Melver, M.Div.
Wonderful stuff. The vocabulary (I love your use of the under-used "skullduggery")is rich. Thank you again for your tireless writing - I look forward to seeing your posts each day : )
DeleteThis has been a fine exercise. Spirit seems to be making a point for me. Write! My old friend Clarene Aitken has gotten some rust off too. We should find a way to wrap up the writer's group. Thanks again.
I am going to send out an 'invitation' to those who have written or read the blog this season. I'll send it out tomorrow. It's been amazing to get to know everyone through their writing first. I hope that we can all meet sometime!
Deletewe can video call on facebook or skype
At the Last Supper, would Jesus have known that my feet are extremely ticklish? Like I might have kicked him. That….would have been terrible.
ReplyDeleteI had a youth director when I was in High School and he was one of those very cool, very impactful and charismatic (yet fully Lutheran) people that you look up to. He had to move on to another calling and leave us after a great year with us, but before he did, he sat us all in a circle and washed all of our feet. It was really awesome and amazing until he came to me. Did I mention I was ticklish? Such a silly word, but not so silly when you ruin the sanctity and beauty of the moment by knee-jerk-ishly withdrawing my feet from the tub, splashing and squelching the urge to kick him. I’ve never forgiven myself for that, because it was a really cool idea and I really did want to honor him and go along with it, but it wasn’t meant to be at that age and that time. I still cringe upon thining about how awkward I was.
I think that Jesus would have either have removed my ‘tickle-demons’ or just nicely laughed along with me and put me at ease that it’s all right and I would know that he knew I did the best I could and that it's not really about the feet. It's about the service.
such an honest reflection! ticklish sometimes goes deep. being aware makes a huge difference. your service is not ticklish. thanks for this lenten event.
He Commanded Them (Maundy Thursday)
ReplyDeleteHe commanded them to love each other
and they argued
about who was the greatest
He commanded them to love each other
and they said no
when he told them he must suffer and die
He commanded them to love each other
and they kept the children away
until he caught them
He commanded them to love each other
and they protested
when he washed their feet
He commanded them to love each other
and they ran away
when he was arrested and executed
and then he found them again
and loved them all over
He commands us to love each other
and his words
and his love
are still compelling
wonderful : )
DeleteIn this quiet time between now and Easter it is interesting for me to try and identify with what they must have been feeling
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that things had changed for the disciples. For almost all of their time together they had been going around Judea doing wonderful things for people and watching Jesus preach. By Maundy Thursday things had changed dramatically. They had gone big time and were challenging serious people in power. So far they had gotten away with it, but both the Pharisees and the Romans didn't like rebels. I suspect that the disciples were beginning to worry about their fate as Jesus seemed more and more likely to pursue antagonizing the government. Judas was the only one to act. But his actions and the disciple's locked room fears on Sunday show a deep concern for where things were apparently going and how much danger they were in. Had they tied themselves to someone who was a rising star or an exploding firework? Would they end up paying a high price for bad judgment? Between Thursday and Sunday, they would experience turmoil that would drive lesser people away. Mostly people fixate on either the crucifixion or on the resurrection, but I think a closer identification with the disciples may give us strength as well.
the grounding of faith in the reality of life. Holy Saturday in the heart of the 40 hours from Good Friday to Easter sunrise is truly a poignant time. thanks.
This is a great view on that often overlooked space of time. Such a 'meaty' thought to chew over. Thanks!
DeleteForgot to add my name Doug