Lenten Writing Project Reboot 2020! Writers' Reflections in the Wilderness of Lent
Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project
The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.
How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community
The sun
a job
kind parents
Ability to mow lawn
Crisp apples
Coffee friends
Car that runs
cream for my coffee
Joel lohafer
such abundance! you are one of my blessings too.
Blessings of This Day
ReplyDeleteWithout ado, ‘tis an amazing gift the prompt to read.
So I’ll enter into the moment, literacy gets the lead.
Physical energy presses keys, holds up my head, sits me tall,
Provides a spectrum of possibilities before into bed I fall.
A simple soup, leftover from Lenten Soup Supper last night,
Added some crackers, a spot of wine, give me strength, might.
Vocabulary bubbles ever forth, finds ideas upon which to latch,
A turn of phrase, a silly thought, an apt jargon, sometimes they match.
My deck window, a bit smeared, sits at my left shoulder on the deck,
Saratoga Passage, cloud layer, water ever moves, boats a speck.
Loving wife, Carol, my soul-mate, makes the day sing.
With a kind presence, her needs, joys, challenges does bring.
Slippers, Katie, Pele, Shadow & Chloe makes the home ‘pettified’.
Soliciting laps, caresses, food, water, doors opened, never petrified.
Simple chores remind me of the place I occupy in the day.
Recycler, medication deliverer, bird feeder the dues I pay.
Observer, explorer, attender, Post Office flag-raiser my roles,
As the moments proceed, Creator leads me about, wears my soles.
Budding poet interacting with a publisher, getting writers’ chops,
A book will be birthed, first of several, surely hits and flops.
A waning virus slowly relents, yellow crud turns clear,
Pushing liquids, meds that dry up, extra rest, never fear.
Family, friends, neighbors far and near, all come to mind,
Each, a unique part of my social/cultural milieu, a real find.
Type font that adapts the page with my mouse click,
Word processor features make writing sweetly slick.
Spirit keeps nudging, Creator never gives up,
Word Made Flesh smiles, sits down to sup.
Beloved Readers who take a bit from their day to peruse,
Together we walk the path, into the day we cruise.
The Rev. Ronald Allen Melver, M.Div.
1.) The shadows, because it means that there is sun somewhere to make them
ReplyDelete2.) wind so that my girls and I can watch the trees in our backyard "dance"
3.) preschool, with amazing teachers, to delight my 3 year old
4.) art supplies to delight my 6 year old
5.) A brief window of downtime in my husband's schedule to show my girls his new office and show them around to coworkers, while we catch each others' glance and roll our eyes at their antics, knowingly
6.) big-girl-underwear (not mine ;)
7.) Hello Kitty Jelly beans as a reward for wearing DRY big-girl-underwear
8.) chocolate (for me)
9.) witnessing my 6-year-old's daily giddy excitement for...wait for it...St. Patrick's Day. She is freaking out with excitement. Why? Just 'cuz she's 6. And she gets to build a leprechaun trap with her dad.
10.) a supplied popcorn addiction (it goes well with chocolate)
11.) The ability to have 5 minutes to write this list and participate in this writing project for once (probably not the best tone to take in a list of blessings)
12.) Ooh!! The sun came out for a minute!
13.) My husband's and 6 year old's awesome sign that they made together for selling Girl Scout cookies today
14.) My 3-year-old is finally napping, a sign that the meltdowns when she wakes up will be cut by at least 15%...
15.) No tears or whining heard during the writing of this entire list (note that before & afterward there were and will probably be, but I am appreciating this brief respite from 6-year-old and 3-year-old emotions and sensibilities)
Not mentioned: the cats. Sorry dudes, you're working on my last nerve. I know I'm a jerk about it. Thanks be to God for a forgiving heart that I need to model a little better in my own life. OK, maybe I'll throw them a few treats if the big one will quit kneeding my sleeping daughter with her claws...really. stop it.
You've captured the moment! Now shut your, eyes breath deeply 3x's and exhale. you are one of my blessings too
Thanks Ronaldo! Your kind, inspiring comments on the writers' posts are something I look forward to reading each day as well : )
Delete1. Pie day.
ReplyDelete2. A real honest rhubarb pie to eat with an excellent crust.
3. Sunny days.
4. Thoughts of my Seattle grand daughter and how happy even the memories of them make me.
5. Seattle daughter and how proud of her I am.
6. Today content to be older and being able to mess about.
7. I still understand the technology I am involved in and that it
hasn't completely passed me by.
8. My student teachers and my interface with their budding abilities.
9. Did I mention rhubarb pie?
10. Good friends who come over to play and develop radio projects with.
11. New roses. The garden exploded in roses a couple of days ago.
12. Can't leave out the rest of the family. I am very blessed to have kids and grandkids who are doing so well.
13. Happy home life. Helen and I work on it and it blesses each day.
14. St. Patt's day. We are going in with a neighbor to make a dinner for several people. Never thought of sharing food. We don't need to, but it will be fun.
15. Did I mention...........Irish Whiskey? It's pleasant blurring is like a slightly out of focus photographic lens that takes the edge off of some things and allows you to see the good in things.
Sure 'tis a fine life you've got.
Excellent : )
DeleteFifteen Things I am Grateful for
ReplyDelete1. This breath
2. and this one
3. and this one
4. and another
5. and another
6. and this one
7. and this one
8. and this one
9. and this
10. and this
11. and this
12. and this one
13. and this one
14. and this one
15. and the opportunity to be alive and write for people who read
And I'm thankful that you do and that you got us together and encourage and challenge us to keep on with it too.
I agree!
15 Gratitudes
ReplyDeleteby Marlene Obie
1. Getting to water aerobics, feeling good working at it.
2. A cup of Chai Spice tea
3. The additions of purple and white crocuses, yellow daffodils and yellow forsythia blooms to the landscapes. Make me smile.
4. Uplifting, thoughtful and funny quotes and pictures from friends on facebook.
5. A light gray day sans dripping.
6. Sweet ripe juicy oranges - FINALLY! (from Yakima Market in Bothell)
7. Abundance of fresh, tasty vegetables
8. Family always (despite whatever), near and far.
9. Overflowing baskets of friendships
10. To be alive and mostly functional (mind sometimes 80%)
11. Good-time rembrances of brother-in-law Gordon who has passed away this week. An amazing guy and a model for living and aging well.
12. That my beloved sick granddaughter is not cranky sick and is keeping her germs in her room.
13. That I'm done driving for the day (4:30) so that I can leave the glasses that are torturing my nose and ears off my head.
14. Many different roads to the places I go, some that have to be taken leisurely which is good for the blood pressure.
15. Doc Martin on PBS.
And 16 divided by 16: Ruth for posting the prompts every day.
DeleteI love the Doc too and Ruth's postings!!
DeleteI love your use of 'sans'. Perfect list ; )
Delete1. For the stray cat who left us a mouse at our doorstep for
ReplyDeletefeeding it. We like a good mouser.
2. The time to read three newspapers.
3. That my husband doesn't worry too much about a dropped stitch
in his knitting.
4. After reading about the good new pope, thankful that he does
not have to ride the city buses anymore. (I've done it)
5. That we don't need a big meal today.
6. Communication with friends and relatives on Facebook.
7. The new small vacuum cleaner that came in the mail today,
to use to vacuum up dead carpenter aunts (sic).
8. That I won't get a bad grade for only coming up with 8
instead of 15.
ReplyDelete1. Hearing the sound of soft, crunchy, new snow under my boots this morning, as I walk outside in the fresh Spring snowstorm; and then, later, listening to the power of the giant, roaring snowplows, as they go around and around the apartment complex driveway, to dig us out.
2. Two wonderful and beautiful daughters: Ruth and Anna; who continue to make me proud every day, and make me think that maybe I did two worthy things in my life.
3. Four marvelous and wise grandchildren: Ava, Clara, Marcello, and Charlotte; who always bring me great joy.
4. Four amazing sisters: Martha, Mary, Anna, and Elizabeth; who have supported and loved me through "thin and thick".
5. Being able to walk across the street to visit and "check on" my two loving parents, who are in their 80's, and are still able to live their dream, quite independently.
6. COLORS: especially reds, and blues, and rainbows, and the ones found in flowers - my favorites being white gardenias, purple lilacs, red geraniums, blue bachelor buttons(lilies of the valley and the tiny crocuses my great-grandmother planted on the side of the family house are pretty good, too) (red roses, wild roses, and peonies are OK, too, if they have a good smell). I also enjoy the primary colors found in birds like bluebirds, cardinals, peacocks, and quetzals (although the latter two don't have a very nice song, only screeches and screams).
7. the ARTS: especially music(vocal and instrumental)and dance, poetry and literature,theatre(inluding film and puppets),plain old art(paintings/mosaics/jewelry/mobiles/sculpture/clothing/etc) and even good cooking.
8. Books, and my ability to read them, as well as my ability to write (and spell well).
9. SCIENCE and MATH: and all their wonders - microscopes, and the miracles we see under them; telescopes, and all the star clusters and beautiful sights we can only see with them. Bio-diversity and Cultural Diversity; computers, medicines, etc
10. LIFE: Myself, being alive, here and now,
and healthy, and happy;
able to move all my body parts pretty well;
being able to live in my own cozy apartment;
knowing that not everyone has that luxury.
11. Families, in name
....Families, in Christ
the Family of Humankind (the family of God)
12. PRAYER: all kinds
centering prayer, labyrinths, group prayer, liturgical prayer, A.C.T.S., the Psalms, meditation,rosaries, children's prayers, lectio divino, the Lord's Prayer, etc
13. being admitted to the Order of the Daughters of the King, a women's evangelical Order for Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. This has blessed me by giving me a framework for my desire for more prayer, and to help others through Christian Service and Evangelism.
14. After 60 years, I have been blessed by being able to return to the church of my baptism, to become a member again, and enjoy the congregation and Pastors there, and to become a part of the Church Life and growing.
15. I am blessed daily by the Grace of God,
which, in the form of the Holy Spirit
brings me closer to an understanding
of the Wonder of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Who calls me, by name,
to be His own
and blesses me to be a part
of the Great Family
of God
Who could ask for more?
PS.There are many other blessings, but this Prompt limits me to 15