Words of Faith

Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project

The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.

How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community

Monday, February 25, 2013


Lenten Writing Prompt #12
In this era of background noise, comments, white noise, traffic, news and checing the insistent notifications from facebook, twitter, texts and/or your kids in the back seat of your car, how do you quiet your mind and be in a still place to listen to God?


  1. Soulitude

    Quietude, no-thingness, cosmic center, sacred sanctuary
    Meeting the Keeper of All has little to entice or entrap
    Setting aside the trappings of culture, of self-ness
    Being to the maximum, doing breathing, calming the mind

    Energy work comes close to the realm of being Keeper asks
    Setting all goals aside, expectantly attending the moment
    Noting without fixating the flow of energy as it moves
    Allowing a sacred mid-wife to assist the birthing of now

    Creator holds all in care, love, mercy, compassion, grace
    Spirit actualizes the connective ability to engage Creator
    Word brings depth, meaning, substance to the insubstantial
    Together, Trinity invites each living, created thing into presence

    Emptiness, devoidness, paradoxical intent give a place one can find
    Prophets, female and male, have attested to the connection being made
    Shamans know the presence of the Other when they have come close
    Holy Ones of all religions, beliefs, spiritual practices encourage the approach

    Vision quest captures the process quite clearly
    Fasting physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually helps
    Bringing oneself into a calm, peaceful, serene mood necessary
    Allowing control mechanisms to quit their incessant ego driven needs

    Prayerfully opening to the mystery that life truly embraces
    With a gentle awareness stepping down the path of now
    Finding the inner guidance that Spirit lovingly provides
    Timeless experience of the now sheds all that encumbers self

    In this vulnerability love finds its way to connect with soul
    Soul feeds on the nurturing care of the Keeper as a babe at breast
    Coming to the sacred sanctuary of soulitude regularly strengthens
    Practicing the process brings certitude to the loving core one finds

    Fill me Lord with the wonder of your grace and love
    Flesh out my anemic soul so that all might see you
    Show me the decision-making necessary to meet regularly
    Bring about a community of soul-mates who can commune often

    The Rev. Ronald Allen Melver, M.Div.
    12-Feb-11 23:40

  2. I don't get to the wilderness as often as I want. There is a special place on Horseshoe Bend trail. Drive on Mt Baker Highway past Deming and when you cross the bridge, there is a place to park. This is a place where Kayakers take the plunge in the river. The trail begins there. Walk until you get to a bench - about a mile, and in the summer when the river is down you can climb out on the boulders and feel the spirit of the water rush around you. This is a special place because a dear brother in Jesus shared communion with me, and prayed the most beautiful words ever prayed over me. I was lifted to heaven.

    I also find the solace and silence of God in the faces and conversations of people at Woods Coffee. I know it sounds foolish, but I have started the practice of noticing people in the midst of frenzy, and I see the compassion and love of God there. I believe we can carve out a niche of silence in the midst of noise if we so choose. Sometimes silence is louder than noise!

    Joel Lohafer

    1. you prompt recognition and our choice to meet God in the day. thanks.


  3. While no one would accuse us of over landscaping our house, part of the way it is put together is to have a sort of sanctuary to sit and look at the roses, the trees, or the antennas. Bring out a soda and contemplate.
    I also meditate in the garage building things. it quiets me and makes me happy. Sort of a guy thing, I suppose. I should do the latter more. Doug from sunny California.

    1. thank you Doug. Mowing the lawn has always been a time of oasis for me too.


  4. Being

    They race around and around
    and sometimes they are loud
    and they are usually interesting -
    at least I think so.
    They are my thoughts
    and they run like horses
    they don’t stop
    they go on and on and on,
    on topic after idea after thought
    until I focus
    on one task
    or on one idea
    or on one person.

    if I am quiet,
    if I recognize each busy thought that comes
    and gracefully let it go,
    my mind begins to slow
    my lungs breathe deep
    and in that place
    I can just

    I know that God is with me
    in the busy times.
    I experience God’s presence with me
    in the‘being’ times.

    1. ah the space between thoughts, such a safe, sweet spot. thanks.


  5. I love the sound of silence!

    I love the quiet sound
    Of the hushed, quiet rooms.
    I love when the house is empty,
    TV and Bose are turned off,
    And the windows are open to
    Lilting birdsong or a soft breeze.

    It takes longer
    To quiet the noise in my mind.
    It takes more than a few minutes
    Of soft peaceful silence
    To quiet my thoughts,
    To prepare my heart.

    In the silence,
    I finally begin
    To listen to God,
    To recognize God’s voice
    and let the Spirit flow through me,

    I love the sound of silence!
