Words of Faith

Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project

The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.

How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community

Friday, February 15, 2013

How do you picture the Holy Spirit?

Lenten Writing Prompt #3
There are many metaphors for the Holy Spirit.  Dove, Holy Ghost, breath, wind...write your thoughts about the Holy Spirit today using either a new metaphor that you come up with or write about the Holy Spirit using an old one that has helped your faith and understanding.


  1. Spirit

    Most comfortably “She” this third persona of the Trinity,
    Amazing presence of The One Who Is, brings about life.
    Free to act, to summon, to lift up, to encourage from infinity,
    Spirit engages all with an abundance that heals all strife.

    Dance becomes a metaphor as Spirit engages the day.
    Costumes of all colors, all possibilities can be seen.
    Rhythm, movement, life’s beat backs creations’ play.
    Created order comes out of Spirit’s big bang bean.

    Attending all creation, Spirit rejoices in this unique time.
    Master plan far beyond limited minds’ kith and ken.
    Each minute element touched by a powerful love sublime.
    No detail lacking, Spirit wields Creators’ kindly pen.

    Empowerment always a sign of Spirit’s presence,
    Hope, persistence, care beyond reward, qualities bestowed.
    Humanity best exemplifies the image of God’s essence.
    An eternal power supply never to diminish nor corrode.

    Word Become Flesh finds Spirit a constant delight.
    Each beat of His heart ‘minded this innate gift.
    In His three plus decade sojourn Spirit eased His fright.
    As death summoned, Spirit went before to heal the rift.

    Feminine-Masculine, truth embraces both without pause.
    Wholeness, without gender limits, Spirit gathers all.
    Freedom to hold creations’ chalice without sins’ flaws,
    This mighty Summoner awaits history’s end with love’s call.

    Naming One, another role Spirit plays.
    Minds observe, ponder, wonder at the seen.
    Scientific term, poetic thought displays.
    Brilliant phrase turned well, divinely keen.

    Present One reminds us of who we are.
    Sentient beings anxious with abandonment’s pain,
    Noting pulse, respiration’s ebb, flow, God’s not gone far.
    Holding all in love, nothingness only sin’s disdain.

    So my friends, relax into Spirits’ embrace.
    Loosen fears fretful hold with kindly release.
    Into this day boldly walk, take up your loads trace.
    Spirit strengthens so that our mission won’t cease.

    The Rev. Ronald Allen Melver, M.Div.

    1. Beautiful! Lovely! Truly spirit-infused.

    2. "Loosen fear fretful hold with kindly release" I can feel the release Ronald. Thank you!

  2. The Holy Spirit reminds me of a quiet shy girl in my high school class (1974-78). She moved to our small Iowa town with her family when she was in Junior High, and because she did not grow up with the rest of us, and because she was not a beauty queen, cheerleader or athlete, she had few friends. But I enjoyed talking to her and discovered she was bright and smart. She wrote her own version of the "Illiad" just for fun! She is someone that I hope to visit with again someday. The last I knew of her was when she wrote about her accomplishments for our 10 year reunion journal: "I manage a second hand clothing store, but I like my boss. I also am writing the next best-selling book of great literature."

    Seems to me that the Holy Spirit would manage a second hand clothing store and would refuse to write just for the sake of profit. What think ye?

    Joel Lohafer

    1. joel;

      i enjoy your earthy candor. indeed Spirit has a down to earth nature and rather disarming presence. well put!


    2. Absolutely. You've really got a great image there!

    3. Marlene Obie


    4. I'm with you on the manager of a second hand store, finding new uses for things people discard, new uses for people discarded - I think you are on to something!

    5. I know it's fun working in a used clothing store. I've done that. I know it's fun writing! The holy spirit works on both!

  3. Spirit -
    Compassionate, Wise,
    Breathing, Healing, Leading,
    Pray-er, Faith-Giver, Witness, Life,
    Inspiring, Helping, Filling,
    Holy, Joyful,

    1. RuthAnn;

      a great collection of titles. Spirit is so inclusive.



    2. from Marlene
      Many gifts in one beautiful package!

    3. a melodic list, nice ..... "Wise" touches me tonight. Thanks

  4. Mighty Missouri
    by Marlene Obie

    Since I was very young, I have known you,
    Mighty, constantly moving Presence, through days
    and seasons of my life and place from which I came.
    You flow through the middle, from a confluence of
    three clear mountain rivers, each an amazing entity,
    born of bubbling springs, urged down mountainsides
    and across meadows, refreshing and creating
    even before your unique joint entity emerges
    as a the mysterious one-in-three and three-in-one.

    Your journey is not stopped or deterred as
    additional water, rock, soil, flora and fauna
    enter your flow and hook into your current.
    All are received without discrimination and
    incorporated into the journey.
    Individual needs and yearnings are respected
    while participants are nudged along, inspired
    to give, encourage, feed one another and
    enjoy the ride. Yet, lazy, renewing floats
    are encouraged, sometimes insistently.

    Forbidden to stand too close lest I be swept away,
    I often watched as I crossed the bridge,
    always in awe of your magnitude.
    You who gather, churn, deposit, rush, glide,
    build up, twist, splash and ever flow on,
    I am eternally with you, however far away
    I may be from The Electric City
    you have powered for generations.

    “So I will sail my vessel ‘til the river runs dry….”
    From “The River” by Garth Brooks

    1. Crisp, sharply written! I like it Marlene!

    2. Marlene, I love your use of the Mighty Mo river as metaphor for Holy Spirit.

    3. Sail on Columbia! Inclusive grace, joyful abandon of all superficial boundaries. wow.


  5. The Holy Spirit is
    as close as my breath
    as distant as the Cosmos
    as intimate as my heartbeat
    as great as the loudest thunderclap

    my Helper, carrying my unspoken prayers
    with sighs too deep for understanding
    the Friend, who will never leave me

    the small Voice I hear
    that quietly reminds me to
    Be Still, and Know that I AM

    the Holy Spirit is
    the reason I can keep the Faith
    my link to a Living God
    gives me strength to keep trying in Life

    She is known as
    Shekinah - Divine Presence
    Hokmah/Sophia- Divine Wisdom
    Paraclete - Divine Intercessor and Comforter

    Seen through
    the Dove of Baptism
    the Fire of Pentecost
    th same Breath that moved
    on the surface of the waters at Creation
    and now moves in my prayers

    Above all, the Holy Spirit reminds me
    that God is not just "out there"
    God is a God who is with me


    inside me

    just as surely as He is in
    the Bread and Wine


    1. "The same Breathe that moved on the surface of Creation and now moves in my prayers" I love that line. No that line moves inside me. very nice. Thank you

    2. Sara;

      you've brought me into the milieu of Spirit. thank you for capturing the essence and the pathway,


  6. The Spirit

    As a young boy
    it was clear to me
    that the Spirit
    was our “piece of God”.
    God created
    Jesus saved
    and the “Spirit”
    was here now
    giving life to the communion.

    As a young man
    I was taught
    that God was more confusing than that,
    that God is "three" and still "one",
    that God is as close as our heart
    and beyond our understanding.

    As an old man
    I cherish again
    that the “Spirit”
    is here now
    giving life to this communion.

    Sometimes the child that leads them
    is inside of you.

    1. Larry;

      may that little boy find expression in you every day. may the dear beloved child be led by Spirit to express the joy.


    2. "sometimes the child that leads them is inside of you". That is profound. Thank you for that image : )

  7. My favorite metaphor for the Holy Spirit is wind. I think it is appropriate for the least understood and least talked about person of the Trinity. Like the Holy Spirit, wind is invisible. We don't see the wind, we see only it's effects, like tree branches swaying. We feel the wind against our skin, in the same way we can feel God's presence at certain moments.

    Wind has a broad range of personalities. It can appear as a soft, gentle breeze that refreshes us on a hot day. It can be useful, we can use it's power to generate electricity, and travel across oceans. The Holy Spirit comforts us and empowers us for works of compassion. Wind can also be frustrating and a source of irritation; a bitter cold wind can drive us inside on a winter day. The Holy Spirit challenges us, occasionally causing frustration in our comfortable lives. Wind can also be horribly destructive. Tornados kill people and destroy property every year. This is the most difficult aspect of God's personality to reconcile with. But after destruction comes rebuilding. We can't remodel without a period of demolition first. The soft, gentle breeze may be the most welcome side of God presence in our lives, but hopefully we can learn to appreciate the wind of God whenever it blows near us.


    1. Melinda;

      Ruah comes in so many ways. you are a spiritual wind-surfer. may the love you know guide.


    2. Thank you Melinda - I mystery of the wind is one of my favorite images too - thank you for reminding me

  8. Holy Spirit

    I have known you from an early age
    Simply as
    When you sweep over me, I feel
    My eyes glaze, I relax and my consciousness rolls up into my brain like a retractable shade
    You come over me like an exquisite yawn
    Climaxing in ideas
    Urging me to capture the words
    Pull over if I’m driving
    Drop my other projects
    Try to keep up with the ideas shooting past me
    Don’t lose it!
    Keep up!
    words on a page
    ways to connect people
    Making this world a better place
    Understanding myself
    Sometimes I am frantic with exhilaration
    You are me
    You are outside of me
    You are inside me
    Using your muse-breath to whisper sweet somethings
    Which I can never resist.

    1. ah the sentiment of a sister! verdant with expectation!


    2. "Try to keep up..." I love that feeling!
