Lenten Writing Project Reboot 2020! Writers' Reflections in the Wilderness of Lent
Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project
The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.
How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community
Friday, February 27, 2015
Angels in the Bible were could be powerful and overwhelming, like when they guarded Eden or when they sang for Jesus' birth. Or they could be a bit naughty (ahem. Leading to Nephilim in Genesis). Or they could be communicators of difficult or holy news, as with Mary. What are your thoughts about Angels for today? Have you ever experienced one? How do Angels fit in with your faith?
Lent 1, Friday
ReplyDeleteAngelic Care
Holy One’s presence extends instantaneously cosmos wide.
Like a solid state connection, grace proceeds, its wonders abide.
Angels bring the heavenly personal touch, crossing mystery’s chasm.
Presence undisputed; experienced countless times certainly aren’t phantasm.
With the most rudimentary glance, scripture acknowledges these holy workers.
Should you wonder, just enter into a serious situation facing faith’s berserkers.
Holy One will supply what’s needed, sending serious support troops along.
An angelic touch will change grim to grin; believers in Holy One’s clan belong.
Most folks seem to make their day along a mundane path.
Seldom do they consider the true circumstances of sin’s annihilating wrath.
Rather, they would proceed along life’s way in a post-adolescent haze,
Angelic hosts or single angels enjoy adults with whom to fill their days.
As with all the histories of life, angels are chronicled as best we can.
Some have gained notoriety, Michael, Gabriel easily top the span.
Countless others are busy about the story line,
Filling in angelic chorus parts, sending shivers up a believer’s spine.
Don’t be misled by the notion of wings or haloes bright.
Prophetic painters make their points, descrying the lovely sight.
‘Tis more real to understand that Holy One always can bring an angelic troop,
There are no safe places in creation that angelic noses won’t snoop.
Breath of Life exercises command and control over these wonders.
Direct orders flow into each and every angel, seldom any blunders.
Curiously, legend suggests that a “fallen angel, Lucifer” was cast out of heaven,
Holy One makes no apologies for creation’s plan; sin and evil are real leaven.
Ask about your guardian angels, mayhaps a name will be supplied.
Heavenly associates accompany each step we go, this cannot be denied.
They stand alert to face the Desecrater’s demons, who intrude too often,
Ours the task of serving Holy One, our spiritual muscles not to soften;
Don’t be surprised should a shake come to your shoulder some night.
There might be a crucial message, with a creature quite the sight.
Expect this resource to be used, Word Made Flesh smiles at the thought.
You see, you are a most beloved servant doing the mission your birth as sought.
The Rev. Ronald Allen Melver, M.Div.
I really liked this! You speak eloquently about these heavenly beings : )
DeleteThe Trouble with Angels
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things I believe that are in the Bible, but Angels just don’t fit in with my theology the way they are talked about and presented when I see or hear about them today. They are relegated to a drug store tchotchke holding flowers and a tender sentiment. I think the makers of these angels may be missing the mark though.
In the Bible, it says that angels sang when Jesus was born and it made some shepherds very afraid. Thinking about what this really must have been like – what the Bible might really be saying – is not that the shepherds were easily spooked by some singing chicks in the sky wearing golden halos. Imagine. Jesus, God’s son is born and the raucous party in heaven was so powerful that it bled through the very fabric that separates heaven and earth and the only others awake at that time – the shepherds – got to witness it. I’m surprised they weren’t vaporized or had a heart-attack or something. And the angels, who have always been great communicators, tell the Shepherds to go and see the baby they are singing about. The hymn ‘Go run happy shepherds run” should be more like “Go run, scared as hell shepherds, who just witnessed a smidgeon of heaven and should not be even living right now because this should be too much for a mere human to handle.” Yes, of course they ran. This is not to say that the angels were terrifying to the shepherds, but more overwhelming in the way that when you hear a great singer, an amazing singer, and they start belting out or breaking it down toward the end and you just go weak in the knees and speechless and crying and yelling and overwhelmed. Times a million. Couple this with the unbelievable news the Angels were saying. It made no sense. The son of God is HERE? Oh, he’s in a stable…What?? It doesn’t make sense, but the angels’ message was so authoritative that the shepherds went somewhere ridiculous. They went to Bethlehem to see the Son of God, who they heard is a just-born baby in the feeding trough of a stable. Crazy.
I get the feeling, with all that I have read of angels from the Bible rather than Facebook or forwarding emails (no offense) is that angels are out there, but on a whole different wavelength that we don’t have the capacity to take part in. It’s not really our business, but we have some record of them in the Bible when they did some really hard, powerful work that was beyond human work. There are still a ton of questions that I have. They’re not people are they? Because if so, why didn’t God start over after the whole Adam and Eve debacle with the Angels? Do Angels walk among us and help us sometimes or is that us helping each other with the spirit of God. I’ll never know. I’m not lucky enough to be an ancient shepherd that was in the right place at the right time. I bet they had some lasting mark of the shock of what happened – like stiffened hair permanently standing on end or dilated pupils or a pallid color. We can only forever speculate and have an open faith that God knows what she’s doing.
Such a fine exploration. maybe angels cut through the blizzard of questions with a simple postet from God herself, hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteI have read about many kinds of angels. I believe in many kinds of angels as they are both messengers and helpers from God.
A friend of mine now passed told of an angel visiting her one night. Her husband was dying and she was battling cancer. She woke to see this huge white angel at the end of her bed. The angel had huge wings which she was drawn to. She said she was not frightened but felt complete peace. The angel's message was that it was all ok.
Her husband did die and about 2 years later so did she. The angel's message was powerful, to not only her as she approached death but also to those of us who surrounded her. It was as if a bit of heaven was there touching all of us in peace and love. Deb Bengtson-Ahrendt
pure kindness and mercy
DeleteWow. Powerful story!
DeleteThat time when...
ReplyDeleteI was three. There was a substitute driver for my ride home. And suddenly there I was...left behind. Slowly the school emptied. The sky darkened to night. Soon, I was alone with the man hired to watch the place - a stranger. I was confused and curious, but not at all frightened. I sat on his "this chair is too big" and waited. Then, somehow, I was back home.
I was six and home alone with my grandmother. "I'm not feeling well," she said. "Please bring your little chair and sit next to me while I take a nap." And so I sat. "She's OK," my parents said when they returned home. But I knew from the hushed conversations about doctors and medications and plenty of "what nows?" that it must have been serious.
I was in the delivery room just having given birth. Without warning my world went dark. My hearing, though, was sharp. Every machine to which I was attached beeped rapidly and blared warning sounds. Panic set in. I heard rushing feet and quick movements around me. "I don't want to leave my baby without a mother!" And just as quickly as it left, my sight returned. And the monitors and I slowly returned to a peaceful state.
I was a new mom going to the grocery store. I juggled baby, diaper bag, purse, keys, and shopping list. I placed my little one in a cart and turned away to get everything else in order. Immediately, a command: Turn around! Now! There stood a young man with greedy eyes locked on my precious child. And when I turned, he smiled and walked away.
Were there angels? Was it the voice of God? Was it just a good, honorable man and competent medical staff? Was it intuition?
As one of my professors used to say, "Yes."
They are all divine.
This is so true. Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom : )
ReplyDeleteI believe in angels, that I can say;
What they look like for sure, I don’t know.
I suspect they are unlike how they’re portrayed,
indescribable and impossible to show.
From ponderings and visions of artists and writers,
come efforts to hold them in physical form.
Yet, they of ethereal space, time and essence
are infinitely more than can fit in our norm.
I’ve been drawn to collect some depictions myself,
elegant, expressive, cute and off-beat,
But I think their reality is mystery unshapeable,
from creative mind of God complete.
Messengers, comforters, protectors
advocates for the Kingdom’s plan,
who roll up the sleeves of their beliefs
pitching into the practical labor at hand.
Fire starters of ideas for good,
conduits of God’s power replete;
as they appear, flow into us and through us,
our life puzzles move toward missions complete.
I see angels around me in the people I know.
I believe and I thank you, those here and above
for listening, praying, supporting, and sharing.
God knows we need each other’s humor and love