Words of Faith

Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project

The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.

How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community

Saturday, February 29, 2020

What is your wilderness?

One metaphor that is used for Lent is entering a wilderness.  Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days before he began his ministry.  Noah was in a wilderness of water for 40 days buffered on all sides by all the animals of the world (try not to think too deeply of those logistics) before he was blessed with a rainbow and a promise.  The Israelites walked through a wilderness for 40 years before they were able to enter their their land of Milk and Honey.  What is your wilderness?  What do you think is on the other side?  A promise?  A better life?  A ministry?  Or something else?


  1. Fog
    by Marlene Obie
    Confusion, doubt, distortion,
    worry, fear, hesitancy, loneliness.
    Seeking light, the right path.
    Stepping slowly,
    praying for safety, answers,
    healing for self and all others,
    the weight of the world pressing in.
    What's illusion? What's real?

    Ministering angels, softly surround,
    in birdsong as we stumble along,
    over gravelly, rocky, muddy roads
    of discovery, dust, stubble
    and sometimes surprises.

    Pushing forward through the cloud
    towards the clearing,
    finally clues here and there.
    Visions of purpose, comfort,
    nourishment, hidden beauty.
    Hope at the edge of the mist.

    Am I ready to go out?
    Am I worthy, knowledgeable enough?
    The sun shines through,
    The sky presents its new masterpiece.
    I must go. The time is here and now.
    The day of the Lord is at hand.
