Lenten Writing Project Reboot 2020! Writers' Reflections in the Wilderness of Lent
Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project
The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.
How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Saturday, March 26, 2016
#39 Holy Saturday
This is that strange in-between day: the day after the horrific crucifixion of Jesus, where everything and everyone seemed turned on it's head and abandoned Jesus, and before the promise of Easter has been realized, where everything was turned around again and death has no power. What do you think you would have done or been like in this in-between day, if you had been there?
Friday, March 25, 2016
#38 Good Friday
Source: http://www.rethinkingyouthministry.com/2009/02/yes-more-creative-prayer-stations.html
#37 Modern Day Foot-washing
What have you witnessed or what can you imagine as a foot-washing moment? Something that you have witnessed done for "the least of these" - someone who has been overlooked - serving someone in an extremely personal way.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
#36 Prodigal Son
Read or listen to Nadia Bolz-Weber's sermon on the prodigal son and write what it inspires in you or makes you think about.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
#35 makingfishersofhumanity.com
Where would Jesus, the man, be in the world today. Would he be online, tracking those that need help and exorcising trolls? Teaching at a college? A religious leader? How would he get together with his disciples? Who would they be? Imagine the story of Jesus in today's context - either translating across from the original, or imagining a new, continuing story of Jesus in the world today.
Monday, March 21, 2016
#34 All Are Welcome In God's House
What is the most important way that the church can be more inclusive right now? What is a good way to find out?
Sunday Picture Prompt #5
When you go to Hawaii, it's often said you're on Hawaii time: that time is slower and somehow more savored. The same is true with Godly Play. Click on this link to watch a (9+ min) video on what Godly Play has to say about the mystery of the process of Lent to Easter and write about your wonderings. (on my computer, the audio was low, so adjust accordingly)
Godly Play Story: The Mystery of Easter
#33 Versions of The Prayer Our Lord Taught Us to Pray....
The following link is to a pdf of several different translations and versions of The Lord's Prayer. Choose a favorite one and write about it, or write your own, staying true to the core of what this sacred prayer means to Christians. (If the original is still your favorite, go with it ; ) Go ahead and read them all! You'll love them!
Alternative Versions of The Lord's Prayer
Friday, March 18, 2016
#32 WWJD With Toxic People?
Write about a toxic relationship and how you both resolved (or are still resolving) it as children of God. Imagine what Jesus would do if he came back and had to deal with toxic people today. Would he just cast out a demon or would he do what he did with Zacchaeus?
Thursday, March 17, 2016
#31 #Good News
Write a letter to a young person at your church who is feeling that church and religion no longer resonate with them. What would you say to that person? What does the church have that this young person would respond and that you can help them find or reclaim? (you can use a real scenario, or you can make one up)
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
#30 We Are Family
Write about a family in the Bible that you can identify with because there is some parallel in your stories. Or, you can write about a Biblical family that fascinates you.
Monday, March 14, 2016
#29 Pray for Your Enemies
Write a prayer for your "enemy". Find an incident that is bothering or upsetting you in current events (politics, human rights, environmental issues, etc). Gently and respectfully find a way to pray for them and to heal the brokenness that puts you and your enemy on opposite sides.
#28 Finding God Between the Notes
Write about a pop-culture (any decade), non-religious song that feeds your faith.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Saturday, March 12, 2016
#27 Woof/Meow/Tweet - Amen.
Write about the connection of spirituality and animals. Do they know there is a God? Do they go to Heaven? What can animals teach us about God, grace, and Spirit?
Thursday, March 10, 2016
#26 Nice to meet you!
Today, write about a person in the Bible who the rest of us may not know about. What's their backstory and how are they important to the bigger story, and/or influential to your faith.
# 25 Imagine
How does imaginatio5 strengthen your faith? Are they linked? Or are they two separate things? Is one real and one fake? Write about a faith-filled imagination today, or write about how they are different.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
#24 Teach Me to Pray
How did you learn to talk to God? When is your earliest memory of praying?
Monday, March 7, 2016
#23 Lookin' For Faith in All The Wrong Places
Write about a song that is not religious, but has religious meaning for you. Unpack it's spiritual undertones (or overtones), and you get extra points for finding faith in the most unlikely places : )
#22 Vigilance and Prayer
In the Bible's book of Amos, the prophet says that people may act ‘good’, but they blind themselves to the plight of others living in their midst. How have you blinded yourself and how can you stay vigilant and prayerful for others?
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Sunday Picture Prompt #3

Reference: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ramonsaroldi/6996595615/in/photostream
#21 Closeup on a Natural Space Where You Meet God
This Saturday, dive deep. We know that God is everywhere, but in what natural space do you feel God most acutely. Write in detail about this experience: focus in on each droplet, each bark piece, each animal or bug, each color, smell, each emotion of that experience.
Friday, March 4, 2016
#20 Science and Religion Face Off (Maybe)
Write about the relationship between religion and science. Are they at odds with each other? Do they work together? Separate but equal? Write a piece that takes both into account.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
#19 Christ In our Hearts and Our Heads
What do you think about mental illness in the Bible? Is there a story that you feel illustrates an aspect mental illness? How can we mirror Jesus in including mental illness in our lives and our community or loving others or ourselves as God's unique creations?
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
#18 Reconnetion Connection
What is a ritual you do when you fee like you are far away from God and need to reconnect? How do you resolve the feeling of disconnection and distance from God? This may be from busy-ness, anger, doubt, or worry
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
#18 Addicted to Nostalgia?
Is nostalgia is an addiction that is holding the church back? Even possibly destroying it?
Traditions are what the church is built on and connect the past to the future. Nostalgia is when we look back and try to hold on to the past while resisting the future. In today's prompt, sort out what elements of the church you think are holding it back with nostalgia and what traditions (however ancient) are moving forward, while keeping us rooted in Jesus Christ. What should we do about it?
Monday, February 29, 2016
#17 The Challenges of Being a Community of Christ
Is there a part of being in a community - be it church, a club, school, work, that is a challenge for you? How do you, as a Christian, resolve that? How might a church community differ from other communities?
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Saturday, February 27, 2016
#16 Offering Up Our Praise and Lament to You, O God
Today, write a Psalm of lament, praise, or both.
Friday, February 26, 2016
#15 Wearing the Clothes of Christ
“As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."
~ Galatians 3:27
When you “Put on the clothes of Christ”, what does your “outfit” look like? You can write about this literally or figuratively, of course.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
#14 Into the Labyrinth
Write about an experience you have had with prayer labyriniths.
#13 Alternative Communion
Write about a time that you experienced communion without the traditional elements (or write about a scene where this happens). What did you use instead of bread and wine and how was it significant? Do you believe that there can be alternate ways of experiencing communion without the elements that are traditional to use?
Monday, February 22, 2016
#12 Voices for Justice
As Christian writers, do we have a responsibility to tackle contemporary issues about injustice in our work? Can our voices make a difference? Watch this 4:22 minute TED talk with Clint Smith, a poet, teacher, and doctorate candidate at Harvard. Then, write a piece here about injustice. Let his spoken word piece in the link below inspire your voice as well.
For more information about Clint, check out his website at www.clintsmithiii.com
Sunday, February 21, 2016
#11 Remove Your Shoes
Describe a place, time, or experience that was on holy ground, where you met God. (Exodus 3:5)
Sunday Picture Prompt #2: Up
from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/farbspiel/4388983857/
Staircase of Ulm Minster Lutheran church in Ulm, Germany
taken by Klaus Herrmann
Saturday, February 20, 2016
#10 Faith Questions
What is something about your faith tradition or the concept faith in general that you wonder about? What questions keep you up at night?
Friday, February 19, 2016
#9 Transformation
Write about transformation and being made new, using the metaphor of a butterfly, a plant/flower, a snake, or something else that illustrates this.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
#8 Dear Self,
Write a letter to your eighth-grade self and give them some guidance on faith, God, and/or religion in general. What would your eighth-grade self want or need to hear?
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
#7 Gazing At God Through Mottled Glass
Write about a way that you visualize God that helps you focus your thoughts and prayer. Sophia/Wisdom? The traditional God on a cloud? A Creatrix? A Parent? Write about the face that God shares with you.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
#6 Fifteen-Year-Old Faith
Write about what your faith was like around the time you were confirmed (or if you were not, it's around 8th - 9th grade). How has it changed?
Sunday, February 14, 2016
#5 God Is Among Us
Where did you see God today? Write details about your experience and what you saw.
Picture Prompt #1: Earth and All Stars
We Pause To Bring You This Important Message...
Saturday, February 13, 2016
#4 Reflecting on the Story Within You
In Genesis 1, we read that God created the world in seven days. It goes over what was created each day, 1 through 7. However, imagine these 7 days as the 7 phases of your faith journey over the course of your life. Or, alternatively, you can imagine that just one of the days independently describes where you are right now. Which day is today? What do the other days look like in your faith journey?
Friday, February 12, 2016
#3 Listen! Can You Hear the Call?
"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s great hunger meet. " ~ Frederick Buechner - Where is this place for you? Describe it with as much detail, planning, and extravagance as you want.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
#2 Writing From the Wilderness
'Wilderness' is a metaphor that is used to describe the 40 days of Lent, recalling the 40 days that Jesus wandered in the wilderness. When you are in a wilderness, It is a time of contemplation, uncertainty, fear, and even doubt. It usually described as a lonely, bare, perhaps a little scary place. What metaphor best describes your wilderness? The desert? The ocean? An icy landscape? A planet? Something else? Write about what this place looks and feels like to you, whether during Lent, or during a difficult time. Today, we are naming our wilderness.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
#1 Welcome to the Wilderness
Today is Ash Wednesday, when many of us go to church and receive ashes on our foreheads to remember the humble beginnings and endings of our earthly selves. We are all people of Ash, who will return to ash one day. What is it like to be one of them? What are your reflections on Ash Wednesday? Would you (or do you) create some other tradition to enter into the wilderness of the Lenten season?
Do You Want to Write? Join Us in the Lenten Writing Project! All Are Welcome.
Here is some advice on writing for 40 days. If you have tips to add on a helpful ritual that you use, how to stick with writing, beat writer’s block, or anything else you feel is helpful, leave it in a comment below.
Sometimes glitches happen, so make sure you have your piece saved somewhere and cut and paste it to the blog. Otherwise, you may lose it and have to start over!
Try a Free-Write
Blessings on your journey this year, through the wilderness of Lent! Your writing friends are here to support you and help you with this holy work.