Words of Faith

Words of Faith

Spirit to Spirit Writing Project

The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning lengthening of days. In Christianity, it refers to the time before Easter, traditionally observed through repentance and learning. It's a season to be intentional about changing and growing. Some people give up items to create space and time for new life and habits to grow. Instead of giving something up, I invite you to try to commit to answering these writing prompts each of the 40 days of Lent. The discipline it takes to set aside time each day to reflect and write about God and your relationship with spirituality is a journey that you will emerge from with a renewed spirit. Every writer has their own special voice to add to this project, whether poetry, prose, essay, thoughts, lists, or through comments, prayer, and encouragement.

How do I participate?
Each day, a writing prompt will be posted. A prompt is a question or statement that is meant to inspire your thoughts in whatever genre you feel moved to write. Post your reflections as a comment under each day's prompt (for further instructions, see 'How To Post' on the right side of the page). It is up to you if you write, read, or pray along with us each of the 40 days of Lent or just drop in from time to time when the spirit moves you to participate. Writing regularly is a discipline that many writers struggle with and this is a way to involve that discipline as a Lenten practice. Through writing and leaving encouraging words for others in this project, we become a supportive spiritual writing community

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Communion of Saints

When did you first take holy communion?  What was your experience and what are your family traditions around it?  How has your view or how have your traditions changed?


  1. (I'll take a slightly different tack) I was working with a street ministry in San Francisco in 1967. We just did what we thought would fill people's needs as there was no model, except for maybe St. Francis or Jesus himself. It was never supported well by the denomination because it wasn't a "real" church. I felt we needed to have experiments like this to keep the doors and windows open.
    We had church at a person's house. No frills and very simple for people who weren't indoctrinated by two years of confirmation classes. I usually played the guitar. As we passed the cup and bread around another item followed. It was a hip flask with spirits in it. Everyone took a swig of that too. I have always thought that it was from someone trying to understand and be a part of the group.
    For me the question is always about listening. Ministry is out there- you just have to put yourself in a place where you will hear it. Doug Millar

    1. I bet you were gifted at it too! Pastor Larry

    2. Sounds like a really real church to me.

  2. Holy Disappointment! by Pastor Larry P Morris

    After two years of confirmation
    with twenty of my good friends....
    After memorizing the small catechism
    and trying to understand some of it ...
    After completing the work books
    and taking it all so seriously...
    I was reminded that I would soon be able to take communion.
    and the disappointment sank in.
    My favorite part of the worship service
    was singing lots of hymns while the adults filed up for communion.
    Now I would have to give some of that up
    to go up with the adults, doh!
    I nearly said no thanks!
    (A true story!)

    1. I have always tried to remember that a particular person may not be in church for the same reason I am. My favorite part is music- so I never sang with the choir. I was an appreciative audience. Doug Millar

  3. Wednesday April 16, 2014


    My first Holy Communion
    Two years of study and fear
    preparing for the Confirmation
    of my Baptismal Vows
    Pentecost Sunday
    of my 8th Grade Year

    Haunting tales of bygone hazing ....
    "You know, we had to Memorize
    the Whole Catechism
    and Stand before the Congregation
    and answer Any question they asked us....."
    was the unspoken threat

    Then, the Faith Statement
    the Special White Dress
    the White Robe, with Red Corsage
    We lined up, trembling, before the Altar
    and spoke, "This is most certainly true"

    a Blessing by touch!
    dry wafers and wine

    but, I wondered, through it all,
    why I felt no different
    why there was no thunder
    no earthquake
    why I was still the same person

    Afterwards, small New Testaments awarded
    with special Bible verses, handwritten inside

    The best was yet to come
    Formal pictures
    Church reception
    with cake, nuts and mints
    and red punch
    and then

    The Family Party
    Traditional ham and potato salad
    Cake, with MY name emblazoned on it!
    and PRESENTS!

    Along with my Family,
    People were gathered, just for me
    my Godparents, from 2,000 miles away!
    dear Friends of the Family
    all there to welcome me
    to Confirm me into God's Family
    into the Communion of Saints

    As Time passed, I learned more about that
    Communion of Saints
    as each Sister
    each Daughter
    each Niece and Nephew
    received their first Communion
    and Confirmation

    As each one received their Family Party
    and food, and cake, and presents
    I learned to enjoy the Traditions
    to see and feel and enjoy
    all the Saints behind the Communion
    to see them as part of the
    Body of Christ

    and found out what was missing
    as I knelt, thinking I was alone
    at my first Communion
    I found out about being One in the Spirit
    and the Communion of Saints

    for His sake
